Sunday, 29 August 2010

My Little Girl :)

Meet my baby girl Anna....
Since she was born my life has changed completely...nothing is the same now...and I feel that maternity is the best thing that has happend to me...
I have taken thousands of photos of her......  I can see how much she has changed already
Not so long ago she was so small and innocent and now she is very curious little girl...
you will see many photos of her on this blog because she is my everyday model, not very patient  I must admit :) .. she is now 17 months old, and running everywhere so fast that chasing her with my camera is sometimes more difficult that marathon :)
Here some summer pics....before Autumn begins...enjoy!



  1. She is so sweet and she is very lucky girl because her Mum can take so good pictures of her! :-)

  2. Pięknie fotografie! Mała Ania będzie miała cudowną pamiątkę. Każdy dzień, każdy kroczek, każda zmiana. Cudowne zdjecia Karolinko:)

  3. Obejrzałam cały blog. Jestem zauroczona, co za wrażliwość.
    Jestem zaskoczona, że masz tak małą publiczność. Będę Cię stale oglądać.
